Briana Buckmaster singing Rise Up, Louden Swain Concert, SPN Vegas Con 2017 [Dle68qSZU]
Briana Buckmaster singing Rise Up, Louden Swain Concert, SPN Vegas Con 2017 [Dle68qSZU]
The Louden Swain concert at Supernatural Vegas Con 2017, Day 3. A clip of Briana Buckmaster (Sheriff Donna Hanscum) singing Rise Up. Please excuse any jittering, or moving of the camera. I was having to shoot from far away, between or over people's heads. So I often had to move the camera when people in rows in front of me got in the way. **THIS MAY NOT BE REUPLOADED, REPOSTED, EDITED, OR GIFFED WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION**
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Aired: December 3rd 2024
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