5 Ways to Drop Weight in Forced Menopause [bJY4DVv0I]
5 Ways to Drop Weight in Forced Menopause [bJY4DVv0I]
⁉️Feeling uncomfortable in your skin after cancer⁉️ You are not alone survivor sister. We all think cancer will make us so sick that we will drop a bunch of weight and that’s just not true! Most women actually end up gaining weight not losing weight. ✅Stress ✅Steroids ✅Stress Eating Plus then you are put on drugs like tamoxifen, letrozole, anastrozole- which make you gain even MORE weight! Ugh. It is possible to counterbalance all these negative effects. Here’s how- 🚨Save this post for later so you can come back to it.🚨 ➡️Protein at each meal You need to support your body in this low estrogen state. The best way to do this is to bump up the protein in your diet. Chicken, Greek yogurt, chickpeas ➡️Strength training The next best way to support your body when estrogen is low is to use strength training. Just start with your body weight alone. No need to get a gym membership. ➡️Increase your step goal Another simple solution - no gym membership required. Low intensity exercise is the best for weight loss in forced menopause. Lace up your shoes and head out the door. These are great places to start but maintaining a healthy weight in cancer survivorship is serious. The science is clear that if you carry extra weight, your risk of a cancer recurrence is higher. If you are ready to reclaim your body after cancer, download your free copy of “15 Simple Cancer Recovery Recipes for Women.” Click the link in the bio now! #chemotherapy #chemo #radiation #radiationtherapy #tamoxifen #anastrozole #letrozole #femara #exemestane #reddevil #feelitonthefirst #breastie #checkyourboobs #pinkribbon #brca #brca1 #brca2 #tnbc #pinkwarrior #brcastrong #breastcancer #breastcancersurvivor #breastcancerwarrior #breastcancerfight #breastcancerfighter #breastcancerjourney
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Aired: December 3rd 2024
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