Will Bariatric Surgery block the absorption of Food & Vitamins?- Dr.Nanda Rajneesh | Doctors' Circle [ppCwz9eNv]
Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh | Appointment booking number: 8971755794 Consultant Onco Surgeon and Laparoscopic Surgeon|Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Bengaluru In Bariatric Surgery there are two types one is restrictive Bariatric Surgery and the other one is prevention of absorption type of Bariatric Surgery. In restrictive Bariatric Surgery what we do is we restrict the intake of food. In sleeve gastric resection, we remove the part of the stomach. So whatever you eat it will get absorbed. In gastric bypass surgery, we not only do restci6ion, we also prevent absorption. So there is defective mineral absorption and we reduce intake and absorption of calories. #BariatricSurgery #RestrictiveBariatricSurgery #GastricBypassSurgery
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Aired: December 3rd 2024
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