know it's really sad that people don't take cod liver oil like they used to Like your grandmother probably gave you cod liver oil right And then we dropped it out Uh cod liver oil is a superfood and I'm going to explain why Cod liver oil has like four main really important things Omega-3 fatty acids EPA the anti-inflammatory DHA which is more to support your brain and your nerve cells But omega-3 is significant when it comes down to the hardcore research on the benefits And the problem with all the omega-6 fatty acid seed oils they compete for this omega-3 and a lot of people are just not getting enough #diet #fitness #loss #nutrition #sports #weightloss

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Unlock the Benefits of Cod Liver Oil The Superfood You're Missing Out On [X1h2hvDud]

know it's really sad that people don't take cod liver oil like they used to Like your grandmother probably gave you cod liver oil right And then we dropped it out Uh cod liver oil is a superfood and I'm going to explain why Cod liver oil has like four main really important things Omega-3 fatty acids EPA the anti-inflammatory DHA which is more to support your brain and your nerve cells But omega-3 is significant when it comes down to the hardcore research on the benefits And the problem with all the omega-6 fatty acid seed oils they compete for this omega-3 and a lot of people are just not getting enough #diet #fitness #loss #nutrition #sports #weightloss

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Aired: December 3rd 2024

Rating: TV-14

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