Medical Weight Loss Orange County with HCG - OC Back & Body Doctors [SnYn6aFtg]
Medical Weight Loss Orange County with HCG - OC Back & Body Doctors [SnYn6aFtg] - Are you looking for medical weight loss in Orange County? Lose Up To 30 Pounds in 30 Days with the OC Back & Body Doctors' Medical Weight Loss Orange County Program. Discover our Revolutionary New Medical Weight Loss Program. Lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days! Safe, Natural, Effective, Medically Supervised Orange County Weight Loss Program.....You'll Be Amazed By The Results! Obesity is a very common disorder, shortening the lifespan of millions of people around the world. In the USA, 65% of the adult population is over weight. The World Health Organization (WHO) has called obesity an epidemic. Individuals who gain weight around the abdomen are at a higher risk for serious medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, gallbladder disease and cancer. Many of us have tried different diet plans without success. Most of the pounds lost are gained back within one year. Sometimes we gain more weight back than we originally lost! A successful diet plan needs to be easy to follow, shows rapid, measureable weight loss, and helps to lose bad fat -- not muscle and not good fat needed to protect our organs. It must be safe, and the plan must allow for long- term weight control. Human chorionic gonadropin (HCG) is increasingly popular as a weight-loss supplement. In the 1950s, British endocrinologist A .T.W. Simeon, recommended low-dose daily injections of HCG in combination with a customized ultra-low calorie diet, high protein, low carbohydrate/fat. The protocol resulted in the loss of fat tissue without loss of lean tissue. Simeon published his results, titled "Pounds and Inches -- A New Approach to Obesity". The transcript for this HCG diet publication is available online, and can be found by searching for the title. HCG contains B-endorphin. (Atkinson JH, et al. "Plasma measures of B-endorphin/B-lipotropin-like Immunoreactivity in chronic pain syndrome and psychiatric subjects." Psychiatry Res. 1983 Aug; 9(4):319-27). This may account for reports of enhanced well-being and lack of fatigue during the HCG protocol. HCG also suppresses your appetite, so you are not hungry on the diet and it works with your brain to reset your metabolism. The rapid results help motivate our patients to stick with the program and therefore we have tremendous success with not only the pounds and inches being lost...but the overall improvement in health! Dr. Edlund, Irvine Chiropractor and our clinic director, is a walking testimonial of this medical weight loss program. Not only did she lose 25 pounds and dropped from a size 12 to a size 4...but she has continued to keep the weight off for over a year! HCG weight loss patients at OC Back & Body Doctors have weekly check-ups that involve weigh-ins and measurement. Unlike many weight loss clinics, OC Back & Body Doctors uses a state of the art computerized fat analysis machine that ensure that patients are losing fat instead of muscle or lean body mass. HCG is a prescription that must be medically supervised for maximum results. Our program at OC Back & Body Doctors has endured the test of time. There is no question that adherence to the HCG diet protocol will result in rapid weight loss. But individuals must "change the things they were doing that got them into that boat (obesity) to start with." Educating and guiding our patients is part of our HCG weight loss program so that each of our patients may have the same success as Dr. Edlund and millions of other Americans! Call (949) 724-0011 NOW for a weight loss consultation. What do you have to lose?....but pounds and inches!! "I was skeptical of the HCG weight loss method at first, but 13 months after losing 25 pounds, I still haven't gained any of it back. The best part about this program is it's completely safe and natural. I have found it to be one of the most effective methods for permanent weight loss." - Dr. Desiree Edlund "At our wellness center, we've seen our patients not only lose pounds and inches, but significantly increase their overall quality of life. Our weight loss patients have more energy, have fewer health conditions, and even take fewer medications. We want to show people that it is possible for them to lose the weight and really feel better both mentally and physically." - Dr. Emanual Botelho
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Aired: December 3rd 2024
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