Determine Your Body Type | FREE QUIZ #bodytype [1LXvoC0yw]
Determine Your Body Type | FREE QUIZ #bodytype [1LXvoC0yw]
Take this FREE quiz in this video to determine your body type. This is excellent if you are having a hard time fine tuning your approach to training and nutrition and want some clear cut guidance based on your body type. These suggestions are based your answers to the QUIZ in this video: If you answered mostly A's you are an ENDOMORPH: TRAINING OPTIONS: BEGINNER: INTERMEDIATE: ADVANCED: 12 week bundle- NUTRITION OPTIONS: LOW CARB HIGH FAT: If you answered mostly B's you are a MESOMORPH: TRAINING OPTIONS: BEGINNER: INTERMEDIATE: ADVANCED: BUNDLE: NUTRITION OPTIONS- BUDGET SHRED: If you answered mostly C's you are an ECTOMORPH: RECOMMENDED PACKAGE- If you STILL aren't sure, email 3 photos from the front, side, and back to This is a FREE assessment to tell you your body type ONLY. This is not a consultation and we will not be able to have an indepth detailed discussion with you as to how to came up with our conclusion. This assessment is to enable you to be directed to the most appropriate Gauge Girl Training nutrition and
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Aired: December 3rd 2024
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