Dandelion tea for treatment of swelling #dandelion #swelling [5gt9G3c08]
Dandelion tea for treatment of swelling #dandelion #swelling [5gt9G3c08]
Dandelion tea for treatment of swelling Drink 2 cups of dandelion tea a day. Dandelion leaves are a good natural diuretic, allowing the kidneys to excrete more water. At the same time, dandelion is a good source of potassium. To make dandelion tea, add 1/2 tsp. dried plant per liter of water and boil the mixture. Leave to infuse for a few minutes, strain and leave to cool. #dandelion #swelling #Dandeliontea #Dandelionteaswelling #Treatmentswellingdandeliontea #benefitsofdandeliontea #dandelionteabenefits #dandelionteahealthbenefits #waterretention #potassium #potassiumsource
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Aired: December 3rd 2024
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