Can Walking With a Weighted Vest Help You Lose Weight? #rucking [buvXBNeYY]
Can Walking With a Weighted Vest Help You Lose Weight? #rucking [buvXBNeYY]
I lost 6 lbs in under ONE MONTH by doing this 🤯➡️ I started wearing a weighted vest on my daily walks, and the results were INSANE The internet calls this “rucking” and it’s changed the way I exercise. Increasing your daily movement is so important to improve your health and promote weight loss. Rucking improves this further by adding extra resistance, which leads to more calories burned. And you don’t even need a fancy vest to get started… If you want to start rucking you can put heavy books in a backpack and go from there. Let me know in the comments below your thoughts on rucking! #rucking #nutritioncoaches #nutritioncertification #onlinenutritioncoach #nutritiontips #nutritioneducation #onlinetrainer #nutritioncoaching #macrodiet #weightlosscoach #nutritionplan #macroplan #nutritioncertifications #nutritiontips #rucking #shorts
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Aired: December 3rd 2024
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