Being Fat in a World of Thin People with Ian Karmel and Alisa Karmel [9iKnBh3EU]
Being Fat in a World of Thin People with Ian Karmel and Alisa Karmel [9iKnBh3EU]
Siblings Ian Karmel and Alisa Karmel are on American Glutton today to talk about their new memoir titled "T-SHIRT SWIM CLUB: Stories From Being Fat in a World of Thin People." Both brother and sister grew up struggling with their weight throughout their childhood and much of their adulthood. They both managed to lose the weight in their 30s with each other’s help, and talk about how they were treated, their relationship with food and their bodies, and a deep desire for us to treat obesity for what is it: a health issue.
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Aired: December 3rd 2024
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