Monday December 9
– Kathryn Howley (IFA), Erich Kessel (IFA), Nadia Yala Kisukudi (NYU), and Prita Meier(IFA) in conversation, “Africa’s Past, Black Futures: The Afterlives of Pharaonic Egypt in Art and Politics,” at the Institute of Fine Arts, NYU, 6:00-8:00pm. In-person and online. Registration required.
Tuesday December 10
– Sydney Shen, artist talk, at the School of Visual Arts, 3:00-6:00pm. In-person and online. Registration recommended.
– Panel, “50 Years of Bimbo Riva’s ‘Loisaida,’” at The Loisaida Center (co-presented by the Greenwich Village Society for Historical Preservation), 6:00pm. In-person. Registration required.
– Sarah Greenough (National Gallery of Art) and Ocean Vuong in conversation (discussing Robert Frank), at Pace, 6:30-8:00pm. In-person. Registration recommended.
– C. Ondine Chavoya (University of Texas, Austin) and David Evans Frantz in conversation, “Book Launch: Teddy Sandoval and the Butch Gardens School of Art,” at The Latinx Project at NYU (co-presented by Independent Curators Internation), 6:30-8:00pm. In-person. Registration recommended.
– Goldin+Senneby, Carolyn Lazard, Fia Backström, and Andrea Sisson in conversation, “Swallow Image” (a conversation about images of illness and the revision of reality by drug companies as well as authoritarian regimes), at Triple Canopy, 6:30-8:30pm. In-person. Registration required.
– Candida Alvarez, Alex Katz Chair in Painting Artist Talk, at The Cooper Union, 6:30-8:00pm. In-person. Registration required.
Wednesday December 11
– Valeria Luiselli, Ricardo Giraldo, and Leonardo Heiblum in conversation, for the book launch of “Echoes from the Borderlands,” at Dia Chelsea, 5:00pm. In-person. Registration recommended.
– Panel, “Book launch for ‘Momentum: Art and Ecology in Contemporary Latin America,’” at MoMA, 6:00-8:00pm. In-person. Registration required.
– Farkhondeh Sharoudi in conversation with Jordan Amirkhani (Rivers Institute for Contemporary Art & Thought), Zachary B. Feldman (Goethe-Institut New York), and Billy Fowo (SAVVY Contemporary), for the book launch of “Farkhondeh Sharoudi,” at Goethe-Institut New York, 6:30-9:00pm. In-person. Registration recommended.
– Agnieszka Kurant and Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev in conversation, the final event of the “Energies Symposium,” at the Swiss Institute, 7:00pm. In-person. Registration required.
Thursday December 12
– Harry Cooper (National Gallery of Art) and James Lawrence in conversation, for the book launch of “Adolph Gottlieb: A Powerful Will to Art,” at Pace, 6:00-8:00pm. In-person. Registration recommended.
– Natalia Viera Salgado, WAI Architecture Think Tank, Enrique Chagoya (Stanford University) and Jackson Polys in conversation, “Landscape at the End of the World,” at the National Academy of Design, 6:00pm. In-person. Registration required.
– Catalina Martin-Chico, Sarah Blesener, and Alexey Yurenev in conversation, “Visual Strategies in Documentary Practice,” at the International Center of Photography, 6:30-8:00pm. In-person and online. Registration required. (Please note that only online admission is free.)
– Jules Otsuka and Sarah Roberts (Joan Mitchell Foundation) in conversation, for the book launch of “Joan Mitchell: Paintings, 1979-1985,” at McNally Jackson Seaport (co-presented by David Zwirner), 6:30pm. In-person. Registration required.
– Cynthia Hawkins in conversation with Janet Olivia Henry, for the book launch of “Art Notes, Art,” at the Center for Art, Research and Alliances, 7:00pm. In-person. Registration required.
Friday December 13
– Conference, “Extractive Media” (keynote by Martín Aboleda, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile), at Columbia University, 5:00pm. In-person. Registration required.
Saturday December 14
– Conference, “Extractive Media,” at Columbia University, 10:00am-5:00pm. In-person. Registration required.
– Ho Tzu Nyen, lecture-performance and conversation with Tyler Rollins and Leeza Ahmady, at Asia Art Archive in America, 1:00-3:00pm. In-person. Registration recommended.
– Reuben Radding in conversation with Melissa O’Shaughnessy, for the book launch of “Heavenly Arms,” at the International Center of Photography, 2:00-3:00pm. In-person. Registration required.
– Panel, “Art Beyond the Carceral State,” at MoMA PS1, 2:00pm. In-person.