March 18 – March 24, 2024

Monday March 18
Filipa Ramos, Elizabeth A. Povinelli (Columbia University), “Ecological Entanglements”, at Columbia University, Wood Auditorium, 6:30PM. In-person and live-streamed.

Wayne Koestenbaum in conversation with Audrey Wollen, for the book launch of Stubble Archipelago, at 192 Books, 7:00PM. In-person and live-streamed.

Tuesday March 19
Graham Haynes in conversation with Robin D. G. Kelley (UCLA) at the Emily Harvey Foundation, 6:30PM. In-person. Registration required.

Christine Smallwood on Chantal Akerman’s La Captive, at Light Industry, 7:00PM. In-person.

Wednesday March 20
Carrie Sijia Wang, at Pratt Institute, 12:45PM. In-person. Registration required.

Bijoy Jain (Studio Mumbai),at Columbia University, Wood Auditorium, 6:00PM. In-person.

Jonathan D. Katz (University of Pennsylvania) in conversation with Deborah Kass, D’Angelo Lovell Williams, Tommy Kha, for the book launch of About Face: Stonewall, Revolt, and New Queer Art, at the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art, 6:30PM. In-person. Registration required.

Veronica Roberts (Cantor Arts Center, Stanford University), “Day Jobs,” at NYSS, 6:30PM. In-person and online.

Anton Vidokle in conversation with Liam Gillick and Elizabeth A. Povinelli (Columbia University), for the book launch of Citizens of the Cosmos, at the Swiss Institute, 7:00PM. In-person. Registration required.

Thursday March 21
Ignacio G. Galán (Barnard College, Columbia University), Robert McRuer (George Washington University),John Peterson (Loeb Fellowship, Harvard University),”Crip Camp”, film screening and panel discussion, at CCNY CUNY, Sciame Auditorium, 5:30PM. In-person.

Lisa Kereszi in conversation with Marvin Heiferman, Michelle Dunn Marsh, for the book launch of Mourning, at Printed Matter, 6:00PM. In-person.

Elize Mazadiego (University of Bern), Jennifer Sarathy (GC, CUNY), Reiko Tomii, Katherine Carl (The James Gallery), for the book launch of Charting Space: the cartographies of conceptual art, at The James Gallery, 6:30PM. In-person. Registration required.

Friday March 22
Alaya Palamidis (Université de Toulouse), “Divine Names in the Greek and West-Semitic World: The MAP Project With a Case Study from Imbros,” at Columbia University, Italian Academy, 5th Floor, 11:00AM. In-person and online. Registration required.

Bernadette Reinhold (University of Applied Arts Vienna), Stephanie Buhmann, Nile Greenberg, “Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky: Pioneering Architect. Visionary Activist”, organized by The Brooklyn Rail. Online. Registration required.